Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

December 1, 2024

Thought 5: Discovering the Real You in a World of Expectations

Since the moment we drew our first breath, society has whispered, nudged, and sometimes screamed at us, about who we should be. It dictated the milestones, the life goals, and even the paths we should travel. The voices of our parents, teachers, friends, and even strangers have shaped our perception of our own identity. But have you ever paused and asked yourself: Who am I when the world isn’t looking? Who am I without the labels, roles, and expectations?

Our spiritual and personal growth is a journey. It's not a single destination but a myriad of beginnings. Many times, we think of personal development as a straight line, one leading to an eventual pinnacle of enlightenment. But the reality is, it's probably more of a spiral. You return to the same points over and over, each time with a deeper understanding and a new perspective.

Imagine for a moment: you are like water, taking the shape of whatever container you're poured into. Now, believe that you can choose the container, and in doing so, mold the shape of your very essence. This is the beauty of our existence. We are ever-changing, fluid, and evolving. The rigid identity you may feel trapped within is but a transient state. You aren't bound by a name, a title, or the expectations that come with it.

You are not just a name. You are not your favorite color, your profession, or even the relationships that define you. You're not solely a mother, father, son, or daughter. But here’s the intriguing part. When you detach from these labels, a paradox emerges: If your parent is no more, are you still a son or daughter? Our identities, often, are constructs, painted by language and societal structures. As I often like to point out, language is somewhat of a conspiracy theory. We create sounds, stringing them into sentences, and you, the listener, interpret these sounds based on your prior associations. But do we ever truly understand one another? Are we truly expressing our deepest selves?

For too long, many of us have lived in molds created by others. We've been conditioned to play roles without ever asking: is this the character I want to play in the grand theater of life? So, I challenge you today, to ask yourself: Who do you want to be? Take a moment. Reflect. Ponder on this, not as a fleeting thought but as a deep meditation.

Let’s say you choose the role of a father. But strip away the societal definitions. What does 'father' mean to you? Is it simply a biological link, or is it more profound? What values, actions, and emotions do you associate with it? Instead of repeating the patterns of our own upbringing, perhaps we can reshape the very definition. Reflect on this: if you were in your child's shoes, what would you wish for in a father?

Every day, every moment, we make choices. Choices about who we want to be, what we wish to feel, and how we hope to interact with the world around us. Embrace the idea that you can decide your essence in every ticking second. Once a path, a role, or an emotion no longer serves your true self, grant yourself the freedom to shift, change, and evolve.

Love passionately, live vibrantly, and see the divine in yourself and others. Every interaction is an opportunity to recognize this divinity, a chance to love and be loved without conditions.

So, as we embark on this never-ending journey of discovery, ask yourself: Do I truly know what I want? Do I truly understand the desires of my authentic self, stripped of all external voices and expectations?

Discovering this is the beginning of true freedom. Welcome to the endless spiral of growth and self-realization. Your journey is uniquely yours, but remember, in each twist and turn, I, and a world full of seekers, walk alongside you.

February 17, 2023

Thought 5: Discovering the Real You in a World of Expectations

Since the moment we drew our first breath, society has whispered, nudged, and sometimes screamed at us, about who we should be. It dictated the milestones, the life goals, and even the paths we should travel. The voices of our parents, teachers, friends, and even strangers have shaped our perception of our own identity. But have you ever paused and asked yourself: Who am I when the world isn’t looking? Who am I without the labels, roles, and expectations?

Our spiritual and personal growth is a journey. It's not a single destination but a myriad of beginnings. Many times, we think of personal development as a straight line, one leading to an eventual pinnacle of enlightenment. But the reality is, it's probably more of a spiral. You return to the same points over and over, each time with a deeper understanding and a new perspective.

Imagine for a moment: you are like water, taking the shape of whatever container you're poured into. Now, believe that you can choose the container, and in doing so, mold the shape of your very essence. This is the beauty of our existence. We are ever-changing, fluid, and evolving. The rigid identity you may feel trapped within is but a transient state. You aren't bound by a name, a title, or the expectations that come with it.

You are not just a name. You are not your favorite color, your profession, or even the relationships that define you. You're not solely a mother, father, son, or daughter. But here’s the intriguing part. When you detach from these labels, a paradox emerges: If your parent is no more, are you still a son or daughter? Our identities, often, are constructs, painted by language and societal structures. As I often like to point out, language is somewhat of a conspiracy theory. We create sounds, stringing them into sentences, and you, the listener, interpret these sounds based on your prior associations. But do we ever truly understand one another? Are we truly expressing our deepest selves?

For too long, many of us have lived in molds created by others. We've been conditioned to play roles without ever asking: is this the character I want to play in the grand theater of life? So, I challenge you today, to ask yourself: Who do you want to be? Take a moment. Reflect. Ponder on this, not as a fleeting thought but as a deep meditation.

Let’s say you choose the role of a father. But strip away the societal definitions. What does 'father' mean to you? Is it simply a biological link, or is it more profound? What values, actions, and emotions do you associate with it? Instead of repeating the patterns of our own upbringing, perhaps we can reshape the very definition. Reflect on this: if you were in your child's shoes, what would you wish for in a father?

Every day, every moment, we make choices. Choices about who we want to be, what we wish to feel, and how we hope to interact with the world around us. Embrace the idea that you can decide your essence in every ticking second. Once a path, a role, or an emotion no longer serves your true self, grant yourself the freedom to shift, change, and evolve.

Love passionately, live vibrantly, and see the divine in yourself and others. Every interaction is an opportunity to recognize this divinity, a chance to love and be loved without conditions.

So, as we embark on this never-ending journey of discovery, ask yourself: Do I truly know what I want? Do I truly understand the desires of my authentic self, stripped of all external voices and expectations?

Discovering this is the beginning of true freedom. Welcome to the endless spiral of growth and self-realization. Your journey is uniquely yours, but remember, in each twist and turn, I, and a world full of seekers, walk alongside you.

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

Since the moment we drew our first breath, society has whispered, nudged, and sometimes screamed at us, about who we should be. It dictated the milestones, the life goals, and even the paths we should travel. The voices of our parents, teachers, friends, and even strangers have shaped our perception of our own identity. But have you ever paused and asked yourself: Who am I when the world isn’t looking? Who am I without the labels, roles, and expectations?

Our spiritual and personal growth is a journey. It's not a single destination but a myriad of beginnings. Many times, we think of personal development as a straight line, one leading to an eventual pinnacle of enlightenment. But the reality is, it's probably more of a spiral. You return to the same points over and over, each time with a deeper understanding and a new perspective.

Imagine for a moment: you are like water, taking the shape of whatever container you're poured into. Now, believe that you can choose the container, and in doing so, mold the shape of your very essence. This is the beauty of our existence. We are ever-changing, fluid, and evolving. The rigid identity you may feel trapped within is but a transient state. You aren't bound by a name, a title, or the expectations that come with it.

You are not just a name. You are not your favorite color, your profession, or even the relationships that define you. You're not solely a mother, father, son, or daughter. But here’s the intriguing part. When you detach from these labels, a paradox emerges: If your parent is no more, are you still a son or daughter? Our identities, often, are constructs, painted by language and societal structures. As I often like to point out, language is somewhat of a conspiracy theory. We create sounds, stringing them into sentences, and you, the listener, interpret these sounds based on your prior associations. But do we ever truly understand one another? Are we truly expressing our deepest selves?

For too long, many of us have lived in molds created by others. We've been conditioned to play roles without ever asking: is this the character I want to play in the grand theater of life? So, I challenge you today, to ask yourself: Who do you want to be? Take a moment. Reflect. Ponder on this, not as a fleeting thought but as a deep meditation.

Let’s say you choose the role of a father. But strip away the societal definitions. What does 'father' mean to you? Is it simply a biological link, or is it more profound? What values, actions, and emotions do you associate with it? Instead of repeating the patterns of our own upbringing, perhaps we can reshape the very definition. Reflect on this: if you were in your child's shoes, what would you wish for in a father?

Every day, every moment, we make choices. Choices about who we want to be, what we wish to feel, and how we hope to interact with the world around us. Embrace the idea that you can decide your essence in every ticking second. Once a path, a role, or an emotion no longer serves your true self, grant yourself the freedom to shift, change, and evolve.

Love passionately, live vibrantly, and see the divine in yourself and others. Every interaction is an opportunity to recognize this divinity, a chance to love and be loved without conditions.

So, as we embark on this never-ending journey of discovery, ask yourself: Do I truly know what I want? Do I truly understand the desires of my authentic self, stripped of all external voices and expectations?

Discovering this is the beginning of true freedom. Welcome to the endless spiral of growth and self-realization. Your journey is uniquely yours, but remember, in each twist and turn, I, and a world full of seekers, walk alongside you.