Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

January 22, 2024

Thought 48 - Living in a Dream - Finding Joy in the Present

Do you ever find yourself lost in thought, longing for a time that may have never existed? We all have fantasies of an ideal life - one filled with adventure, meaning, and fulfillment. Yet chasing these dreams can rob us of joy in the here and now.

I'm certainly guilty of this. I'd reminisce about my carefree college days, back when the world seemed full of possibility. Or I'd daydream about an ambitious career that was never quite realized. The truth is, much of what I longed for was more imagination than memory. Sure, there were happy moments, but even those were airbrushed by nostalgia. I oftentimes focused on what I wished things were more than how they really were.

By fixating on an unrealistic past or future, I denied myself the chance to appreciate the present. Each moment offers its own potential for contentment, if only we open our eyes to it. This realization has allowed me to find more gratitude in my ordinary days. Though life may not align with my fanciful visions, it remains full of small wonders.

The thief of joy is neither the past nor the future, but our attachment to these imagined realities. If we let go of what might have been or could be, and embrace what is, we can fall in love with this moment. For this moment is all we ever have. Each breath and heartbeat is an opportunity to connect with life. When pining for other places and times, gently return your attention to now. You may be surprised at the peace and happiness waiting for you in the here and now. The life you're seeking is today's life, not yesterday's or tomorrow's. It's time to start living your dreams in the moment.

February 17, 2023

Thought 48 - Living in a Dream - Finding Joy in the Present

Do you ever find yourself lost in thought, longing for a time that may have never existed? We all have fantasies of an ideal life - one filled with adventure, meaning, and fulfillment. Yet chasing these dreams can rob us of joy in the here and now.

I'm certainly guilty of this. I'd reminisce about my carefree college days, back when the world seemed full of possibility. Or I'd daydream about an ambitious career that was never quite realized. The truth is, much of what I longed for was more imagination than memory. Sure, there were happy moments, but even those were airbrushed by nostalgia. I oftentimes focused on what I wished things were more than how they really were.

By fixating on an unrealistic past or future, I denied myself the chance to appreciate the present. Each moment offers its own potential for contentment, if only we open our eyes to it. This realization has allowed me to find more gratitude in my ordinary days. Though life may not align with my fanciful visions, it remains full of small wonders.

The thief of joy is neither the past nor the future, but our attachment to these imagined realities. If we let go of what might have been or could be, and embrace what is, we can fall in love with this moment. For this moment is all we ever have. Each breath and heartbeat is an opportunity to connect with life. When pining for other places and times, gently return your attention to now. You may be surprised at the peace and happiness waiting for you in the here and now. The life you're seeking is today's life, not yesterday's or tomorrow's. It's time to start living your dreams in the moment.

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

Do you ever find yourself lost in thought, longing for a time that may have never existed? We all have fantasies of an ideal life - one filled with adventure, meaning, and fulfillment. Yet chasing these dreams can rob us of joy in the here and now.

I'm certainly guilty of this. I'd reminisce about my carefree college days, back when the world seemed full of possibility. Or I'd daydream about an ambitious career that was never quite realized. The truth is, much of what I longed for was more imagination than memory. Sure, there were happy moments, but even those were airbrushed by nostalgia. I oftentimes focused on what I wished things were more than how they really were.

By fixating on an unrealistic past or future, I denied myself the chance to appreciate the present. Each moment offers its own potential for contentment, if only we open our eyes to it. This realization has allowed me to find more gratitude in my ordinary days. Though life may not align with my fanciful visions, it remains full of small wonders.

The thief of joy is neither the past nor the future, but our attachment to these imagined realities. If we let go of what might have been or could be, and embrace what is, we can fall in love with this moment. For this moment is all we ever have. Each breath and heartbeat is an opportunity to connect with life. When pining for other places and times, gently return your attention to now. You may be surprised at the peace and happiness waiting for you in the here and now. The life you're seeking is today's life, not yesterday's or tomorrow's. It's time to start living your dreams in the moment.