Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

December 19, 2023

Thought 16: The Feast of Emptiness - A Journey Beyond the Illusion of Fullness

As you delve into these pages, remember, it's not just a narrative; it's a mirror reflecting your inner self, prompting you to question who you truly are. 

Imagine standing at the crossroads of transformation, where every direction leads to a different version of yourself. It was at such a junction that I found myself, weighed down by 270 pounds of not just physical weight, but the burden of years of overindulgence and neglect. Peering at my reflection, I was a stranger to myself, a culmination of unrecognizable choices and habits. This physical manifestation was but a shadow of a deeper turmoil, marred by anger, sadness, depression, and a sense of brokenness. It was a wake-up call, a moment of reckoning that spurred a decision to change, to curate new habits to mend not just my body, but my soul.

The core of my transformational journey was not the food itself, but what it represented in my life. It was my greatest addiction, the sun around which every aspect of my existence orbited. From the first thought at dawn to the last whisper at night, food was my constant companion, my silent ruler. Yet, in this incessant focus, I had become blind to its chokehold on my beliefs, my life. And so, fasting entered my life, first as a liberator and then, paradoxically, as a captor.

Embarking on this path, I engaged in light fasting, initially making small strides. But it was not until my first week-long fast that I experienced a seismic shift. This fast was transcendental, an out-of-body experience that felt like a brush with enlightenment. On the third day, a wave of bliss washed over me, a state of being that lasted for the remainder of the fast. It was a glimpse of an unknown realm of existence, a place of peace and clarity that I yearned to return to.

Eager to recapture this euphoria, I embarked on regular fasting, every three months. Each fast was a quest to return to that blissful state. However, by my fourth fast, a troubling realization dawned upon me. The magic of the first experience eluded me. In my eagerness to replicate that moment of enlightenment, I had unwittingly fallen into the same trap I had with food. I had become fixated on fasting as the key to awareness, losing sight of the fact that it was merely a vehicle, not the destination.

This revelation led me to a deeper understanding of tradition and belief. We often cling to traditions as a means to an end, believing they will lead us to enlightenment. But in doing so, we lose the essence of awareness, which lies not in the pursuit of a preconceived outcome but in embracing the journey itself, in letting things be as they are.

Before I embarked on this journey, depression was my shadow. Post-enlightenment, it remains a part of me. Fasting revealed a path I had never known, but in my fixation on the process, I lost its true gift. It's crucial to understand that the key to self-awareness lies beyond the trappings of our rituals and routines. As you journey through life, ponder this: What are your rituals and traditions? Are they paths to self-discovery, or are they veils that obscure your true self? The feast of emptiness is not about starvation of the body, but about filling the soul with the richness of self-awareness and acceptance. It's a journey beyond the illusion of fullness, into the realm of true understanding and peace.

Remember that the true awakening lies not in the rituals we adopt, but in the moments of clarity they might bring. The feast of emptiness is not a call to deprive oneself but to nourish the soul with introspection and understanding. May you find your path in these words, and may they guide you to a place of true self-awareness and peace.

February 17, 2023

Thought 16: The Feast of Emptiness - A Journey Beyond the Illusion of Fullness

As you delve into these pages, remember, it's not just a narrative; it's a mirror reflecting your inner self, prompting you to question who you truly are. 

Imagine standing at the crossroads of transformation, where every direction leads to a different version of yourself. It was at such a junction that I found myself, weighed down by 270 pounds of not just physical weight, but the burden of years of overindulgence and neglect. Peering at my reflection, I was a stranger to myself, a culmination of unrecognizable choices and habits. This physical manifestation was but a shadow of a deeper turmoil, marred by anger, sadness, depression, and a sense of brokenness. It was a wake-up call, a moment of reckoning that spurred a decision to change, to curate new habits to mend not just my body, but my soul.

The core of my transformational journey was not the food itself, but what it represented in my life. It was my greatest addiction, the sun around which every aspect of my existence orbited. From the first thought at dawn to the last whisper at night, food was my constant companion, my silent ruler. Yet, in this incessant focus, I had become blind to its chokehold on my beliefs, my life. And so, fasting entered my life, first as a liberator and then, paradoxically, as a captor.

Embarking on this path, I engaged in light fasting, initially making small strides. But it was not until my first week-long fast that I experienced a seismic shift. This fast was transcendental, an out-of-body experience that felt like a brush with enlightenment. On the third day, a wave of bliss washed over me, a state of being that lasted for the remainder of the fast. It was a glimpse of an unknown realm of existence, a place of peace and clarity that I yearned to return to.

Eager to recapture this euphoria, I embarked on regular fasting, every three months. Each fast was a quest to return to that blissful state. However, by my fourth fast, a troubling realization dawned upon me. The magic of the first experience eluded me. In my eagerness to replicate that moment of enlightenment, I had unwittingly fallen into the same trap I had with food. I had become fixated on fasting as the key to awareness, losing sight of the fact that it was merely a vehicle, not the destination.

This revelation led me to a deeper understanding of tradition and belief. We often cling to traditions as a means to an end, believing they will lead us to enlightenment. But in doing so, we lose the essence of awareness, which lies not in the pursuit of a preconceived outcome but in embracing the journey itself, in letting things be as they are.

Before I embarked on this journey, depression was my shadow. Post-enlightenment, it remains a part of me. Fasting revealed a path I had never known, but in my fixation on the process, I lost its true gift. It's crucial to understand that the key to self-awareness lies beyond the trappings of our rituals and routines. As you journey through life, ponder this: What are your rituals and traditions? Are they paths to self-discovery, or are they veils that obscure your true self? The feast of emptiness is not about starvation of the body, but about filling the soul with the richness of self-awareness and acceptance. It's a journey beyond the illusion of fullness, into the realm of true understanding and peace.

Remember that the true awakening lies not in the rituals we adopt, but in the moments of clarity they might bring. The feast of emptiness is not a call to deprive oneself but to nourish the soul with introspection and understanding. May you find your path in these words, and may they guide you to a place of true self-awareness and peace.

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

As you delve into these pages, remember, it's not just a narrative; it's a mirror reflecting your inner self, prompting you to question who you truly are. 

Imagine standing at the crossroads of transformation, where every direction leads to a different version of yourself. It was at such a junction that I found myself, weighed down by 270 pounds of not just physical weight, but the burden of years of overindulgence and neglect. Peering at my reflection, I was a stranger to myself, a culmination of unrecognizable choices and habits. This physical manifestation was but a shadow of a deeper turmoil, marred by anger, sadness, depression, and a sense of brokenness. It was a wake-up call, a moment of reckoning that spurred a decision to change, to curate new habits to mend not just my body, but my soul.

The core of my transformational journey was not the food itself, but what it represented in my life. It was my greatest addiction, the sun around which every aspect of my existence orbited. From the first thought at dawn to the last whisper at night, food was my constant companion, my silent ruler. Yet, in this incessant focus, I had become blind to its chokehold on my beliefs, my life. And so, fasting entered my life, first as a liberator and then, paradoxically, as a captor.

Embarking on this path, I engaged in light fasting, initially making small strides. But it was not until my first week-long fast that I experienced a seismic shift. This fast was transcendental, an out-of-body experience that felt like a brush with enlightenment. On the third day, a wave of bliss washed over me, a state of being that lasted for the remainder of the fast. It was a glimpse of an unknown realm of existence, a place of peace and clarity that I yearned to return to.

Eager to recapture this euphoria, I embarked on regular fasting, every three months. Each fast was a quest to return to that blissful state. However, by my fourth fast, a troubling realization dawned upon me. The magic of the first experience eluded me. In my eagerness to replicate that moment of enlightenment, I had unwittingly fallen into the same trap I had with food. I had become fixated on fasting as the key to awareness, losing sight of the fact that it was merely a vehicle, not the destination.

This revelation led me to a deeper understanding of tradition and belief. We often cling to traditions as a means to an end, believing they will lead us to enlightenment. But in doing so, we lose the essence of awareness, which lies not in the pursuit of a preconceived outcome but in embracing the journey itself, in letting things be as they are.

Before I embarked on this journey, depression was my shadow. Post-enlightenment, it remains a part of me. Fasting revealed a path I had never known, but in my fixation on the process, I lost its true gift. It's crucial to understand that the key to self-awareness lies beyond the trappings of our rituals and routines. As you journey through life, ponder this: What are your rituals and traditions? Are they paths to self-discovery, or are they veils that obscure your true self? The feast of emptiness is not about starvation of the body, but about filling the soul with the richness of self-awareness and acceptance. It's a journey beyond the illusion of fullness, into the realm of true understanding and peace.

Remember that the true awakening lies not in the rituals we adopt, but in the moments of clarity they might bring. The feast of emptiness is not a call to deprive oneself but to nourish the soul with introspection and understanding. May you find your path in these words, and may they guide you to a place of true self-awareness and peace.