Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

November 28, 2023

Thought 1: The Illusive Narrator: Journeying Beyond Mind’s Monologues

"Who am I, really?" It’s a question I ask myself everyday. This isn't just a passing curiosity but a fundamental quest that resonates deeply within my soul.

Too often, I get caught up in the chatter of my mind, mistaking it for my true identity. It's like a constant radio playing in the background, filled with stories and narratives that we may not even consciously choose. By letting this internal voice define me, I inadvertently bind myself to its constantly-changing tales.

Imagine this: when the narrative is positive, we feel uplifted and joyful. But when it turns negative, we find ourselves plunged into darkness and despair. Caught in this cycle, dictated by our internal storyteller, do we ever pause to question if this voice truly reflects who we are at our core?

Alan Watts once wisely remarked, "Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth." Reflecting on this, relying solely on our inner monologue to understand our true self is like grasping at the breeze. We often forget that neither the highs nor the lows narrated by this voice capture the entirety of our vast spirit.

While words can be poetic and profound, they only offer glimpses of our essence, mere pointers in the direction of our true selves. They hint, they gesture, but they cannot encapsulate the infinite expanse of our being. Therefore, the internal dialogues, no matter how intense, are just facets, reflections of a much grander reality.

So, take a deep dive within and contemplate: Who is that essential 'you' that once marveled at the universe with wonder and innocence? How do you distinguish the enduring from the transient within yourself?

I have a hunch that the revelation is not found amidst the noise of thoughts but in the peaceful silence beyond them. It might be in that quiet space, when the internal chatter momentarily subsides, that you can encounter your authentic self, yearning to be recognized.

Approach this discovery with reverence, avoiding the rush to define it with words. Understanding isn't about confining experiences into language but about immersing yourself in the vast ocean of lived moments. Embark on this introspective journey, and perhaps you may truly connect with... yourself.

February 17, 2023

Thought 1: The Illusive Narrator: Journeying Beyond Mind’s Monologues

"Who am I, really?" It’s a question I ask myself everyday. This isn't just a passing curiosity but a fundamental quest that resonates deeply within my soul.

Too often, I get caught up in the chatter of my mind, mistaking it for my true identity. It's like a constant radio playing in the background, filled with stories and narratives that we may not even consciously choose. By letting this internal voice define me, I inadvertently bind myself to its constantly-changing tales.

Imagine this: when the narrative is positive, we feel uplifted and joyful. But when it turns negative, we find ourselves plunged into darkness and despair. Caught in this cycle, dictated by our internal storyteller, do we ever pause to question if this voice truly reflects who we are at our core?

Alan Watts once wisely remarked, "Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth." Reflecting on this, relying solely on our inner monologue to understand our true self is like grasping at the breeze. We often forget that neither the highs nor the lows narrated by this voice capture the entirety of our vast spirit.

While words can be poetic and profound, they only offer glimpses of our essence, mere pointers in the direction of our true selves. They hint, they gesture, but they cannot encapsulate the infinite expanse of our being. Therefore, the internal dialogues, no matter how intense, are just facets, reflections of a much grander reality.

So, take a deep dive within and contemplate: Who is that essential 'you' that once marveled at the universe with wonder and innocence? How do you distinguish the enduring from the transient within yourself?

I have a hunch that the revelation is not found amidst the noise of thoughts but in the peaceful silence beyond them. It might be in that quiet space, when the internal chatter momentarily subsides, that you can encounter your authentic self, yearning to be recognized.

Approach this discovery with reverence, avoiding the rush to define it with words. Understanding isn't about confining experiences into language but about immersing yourself in the vast ocean of lived moments. Embark on this introspective journey, and perhaps you may truly connect with... yourself.

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

"Who am I, really?" It’s a question I ask myself everyday. This isn't just a passing curiosity but a fundamental quest that resonates deeply within my soul.

Too often, I get caught up in the chatter of my mind, mistaking it for my true identity. It's like a constant radio playing in the background, filled with stories and narratives that we may not even consciously choose. By letting this internal voice define me, I inadvertently bind myself to its constantly-changing tales.

Imagine this: when the narrative is positive, we feel uplifted and joyful. But when it turns negative, we find ourselves plunged into darkness and despair. Caught in this cycle, dictated by our internal storyteller, do we ever pause to question if this voice truly reflects who we are at our core?

Alan Watts once wisely remarked, "Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth." Reflecting on this, relying solely on our inner monologue to understand our true self is like grasping at the breeze. We often forget that neither the highs nor the lows narrated by this voice capture the entirety of our vast spirit.

While words can be poetic and profound, they only offer glimpses of our essence, mere pointers in the direction of our true selves. They hint, they gesture, but they cannot encapsulate the infinite expanse of our being. Therefore, the internal dialogues, no matter how intense, are just facets, reflections of a much grander reality.

So, take a deep dive within and contemplate: Who is that essential 'you' that once marveled at the universe with wonder and innocence? How do you distinguish the enduring from the transient within yourself?

I have a hunch that the revelation is not found amidst the noise of thoughts but in the peaceful silence beyond them. It might be in that quiet space, when the internal chatter momentarily subsides, that you can encounter your authentic self, yearning to be recognized.

Approach this discovery with reverence, avoiding the rush to define it with words. Understanding isn't about confining experiences into language but about immersing yourself in the vast ocean of lived moments. Embark on this introspective journey, and perhaps you may truly connect with... yourself.