Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

December 31, 2023

Thought 28: "The Pursuit of Authenticity: Questioning Life's Assumed Priorities"

"Every moment up until now has been objectively perfect in its own way. It is our thoughts and perceptions that add a subjective flavor to it."

What truly matters in life? This question isn't just a fleeting thought; it's a profound inquiry that shapes our every action, decision, and thought. It's a quest to understand value, purpose, and meaning in a world that is constantly evolving.

As we navigate through our daily lives, we're often caught in a delicate balance between work and leisure, between today's needs and tomorrow's dreams. When I wake up each day, a part of me silently declares that my work holds more significance than my moments of rest. But is this truly the case? If I prioritize leisure, yet work tirelessly to afford a certain lifestyle, aren't I just chasing tomorrow's pleasure at the expense of today's joy?

This conundrum is not unique to me; it's a universal struggle. Many of us are tirelessly working under the belief that one day we will find rest and contentment. We cling to our jobs, our relationships, and our material possessions as if they define our very existence. They become our security blankets, our identities. But in this relentless pursuit, we often lose sight of what brings us true happiness.

The culture we live in, especially in the West, has taught us to seek external security. We dress a certain way, live in houses, and avoid the unknown, all in an effort to fit into a societal mold. But in doing so, are we truly living? When we encounter someone who breaks these norms, our reactions reveal much about our own insecurities. If we are confident and content with our choices, why would the path of another cause us distress?

Throughout life, I've realized that my strongest reactions – be it anger or unwarranted sympathy – surface when I am most unsure about my own choices. It's a mirror reflecting my inner turmoil, a signal that perhaps I am not as aligned with my true self as I thought.

In moments of discontent, when we wish for a different reality, it's crucial to ask ourselves – why? What is inherently wrong with this moment? Our feelings of inferiority or dissatisfaction are often rooted in subjective assumptions. We can't change the objective facts of our lives, but we can alter our subjective interpretations. Value is a relative concept; it only exists in reference to something else. Just because society agrees on the value of something doesn't make it inherently valuable. It's a shared, subjective interpretation.

Every moment up until now has been objectively perfect in its own way. It is our thoughts and perceptions that add a subjective flavor to it. But imagine, for a moment, if you knew nothing of the world's expectations and norms. How liberating, how blissfully content could you be in your pure, unadulterated existence?

In our journey to find what matters most, it's essential to look inward. The external world is fleeting, ever-changing, and often out of our control. But our inner world – our thoughts, our beliefs, our values – is where true transformation can occur. By understanding and aligning with our inner selves, we unlock the potential to live a life that is not just successful by societal standards, but one that is deeply fulfilling and purposeful.

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, let us remember that the most profound answers often lie within us. They are waiting to be uncovered in the quiet moments of reflection, in the honest conversations with ourselves, and in the courageous steps we take towards living a life true to our inner calling.

The quest to determine what matters most is not just a pursuit of external achievements or societal validation. It's a deeply personal journey of understanding our own values, beliefs, and desires. It's about finding harmony between our inner world and the external realities, and in doing so, crafting a life that resonates with authenticity, purpose, and joy. Let us embrace this journey with an open heart and a curious mind, for it is in this exploration that we find our true selves and the true essence of life.

This new year, I hope you wake up…..

February 17, 2023

Thought 28: "The Pursuit of Authenticity: Questioning Life's Assumed Priorities"

"Every moment up until now has been objectively perfect in its own way. It is our thoughts and perceptions that add a subjective flavor to it."

What truly matters in life? This question isn't just a fleeting thought; it's a profound inquiry that shapes our every action, decision, and thought. It's a quest to understand value, purpose, and meaning in a world that is constantly evolving.

As we navigate through our daily lives, we're often caught in a delicate balance between work and leisure, between today's needs and tomorrow's dreams. When I wake up each day, a part of me silently declares that my work holds more significance than my moments of rest. But is this truly the case? If I prioritize leisure, yet work tirelessly to afford a certain lifestyle, aren't I just chasing tomorrow's pleasure at the expense of today's joy?

This conundrum is not unique to me; it's a universal struggle. Many of us are tirelessly working under the belief that one day we will find rest and contentment. We cling to our jobs, our relationships, and our material possessions as if they define our very existence. They become our security blankets, our identities. But in this relentless pursuit, we often lose sight of what brings us true happiness.

The culture we live in, especially in the West, has taught us to seek external security. We dress a certain way, live in houses, and avoid the unknown, all in an effort to fit into a societal mold. But in doing so, are we truly living? When we encounter someone who breaks these norms, our reactions reveal much about our own insecurities. If we are confident and content with our choices, why would the path of another cause us distress?

Throughout life, I've realized that my strongest reactions – be it anger or unwarranted sympathy – surface when I am most unsure about my own choices. It's a mirror reflecting my inner turmoil, a signal that perhaps I am not as aligned with my true self as I thought.

In moments of discontent, when we wish for a different reality, it's crucial to ask ourselves – why? What is inherently wrong with this moment? Our feelings of inferiority or dissatisfaction are often rooted in subjective assumptions. We can't change the objective facts of our lives, but we can alter our subjective interpretations. Value is a relative concept; it only exists in reference to something else. Just because society agrees on the value of something doesn't make it inherently valuable. It's a shared, subjective interpretation.

Every moment up until now has been objectively perfect in its own way. It is our thoughts and perceptions that add a subjective flavor to it. But imagine, for a moment, if you knew nothing of the world's expectations and norms. How liberating, how blissfully content could you be in your pure, unadulterated existence?

In our journey to find what matters most, it's essential to look inward. The external world is fleeting, ever-changing, and often out of our control. But our inner world – our thoughts, our beliefs, our values – is where true transformation can occur. By understanding and aligning with our inner selves, we unlock the potential to live a life that is not just successful by societal standards, but one that is deeply fulfilling and purposeful.

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, let us remember that the most profound answers often lie within us. They are waiting to be uncovered in the quiet moments of reflection, in the honest conversations with ourselves, and in the courageous steps we take towards living a life true to our inner calling.

The quest to determine what matters most is not just a pursuit of external achievements or societal validation. It's a deeply personal journey of understanding our own values, beliefs, and desires. It's about finding harmony between our inner world and the external realities, and in doing so, crafting a life that resonates with authenticity, purpose, and joy. Let us embrace this journey with an open heart and a curious mind, for it is in this exploration that we find our true selves and the true essence of life.

This new year, I hope you wake up…..

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

What truly matters in life? This question isn't just a fleeting thought; it's a profound inquiry that shapes our every action, decision, and thought. It's a quest to understand value, purpose, and meaning in a world that is constantly evolving.

As we navigate through our daily lives, we're often caught in a delicate balance between work and leisure, between today's needs and tomorrow's dreams. When I wake up each day, a part of me silently declares that my work holds more significance than my moments of rest. But is this truly the case? If I prioritize leisure, yet work tirelessly to afford a certain lifestyle, aren't I just chasing tomorrow's pleasure at the expense of today's joy?

This conundrum is not unique to me; it's a universal struggle. Many of us are tirelessly working under the belief that one day we will find rest and contentment. We cling to our jobs, our relationships, and our material possessions as if they define our very existence. They become our security blankets, our identities. But in this relentless pursuit, we often lose sight of what brings us true happiness.

The culture we live in, especially in the West, has taught us to seek external security. We dress a certain way, live in houses, and avoid the unknown, all in an effort to fit into a societal mold. But in doing so, are we truly living? When we encounter someone who breaks these norms, our reactions reveal much about our own insecurities. If we are confident and content with our choices, why would the path of another cause us distress?

Throughout life, I've realized that my strongest reactions – be it anger or unwarranted sympathy – surface when I am most unsure about my own choices. It's a mirror reflecting my inner turmoil, a signal that perhaps I am not as aligned with my true self as I thought.

In moments of discontent, when we wish for a different reality, it's crucial to ask ourselves – why? What is inherently wrong with this moment? Our feelings of inferiority or dissatisfaction are often rooted in subjective assumptions. We can't change the objective facts of our lives, but we can alter our subjective interpretations. Value is a relative concept; it only exists in reference to something else. Just because society agrees on the value of something doesn't make it inherently valuable. It's a shared, subjective interpretation.

Every moment up until now has been objectively perfect in its own way. It is our thoughts and perceptions that add a subjective flavor to it. But imagine, for a moment, if you knew nothing of the world's expectations and norms. How liberating, how blissfully content could you be in your pure, unadulterated existence?

In our journey to find what matters most, it's essential to look inward. The external world is fleeting, ever-changing, and often out of our control. But our inner world – our thoughts, our beliefs, our values – is where true transformation can occur. By understanding and aligning with our inner selves, we unlock the potential to live a life that is not just successful by societal standards, but one that is deeply fulfilling and purposeful.

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, let us remember that the most profound answers often lie within us. They are waiting to be uncovered in the quiet moments of reflection, in the honest conversations with ourselves, and in the courageous steps we take towards living a life true to our inner calling.

The quest to determine what matters most is not just a pursuit of external achievements or societal validation. It's a deeply personal journey of understanding our own values, beliefs, and desires. It's about finding harmony between our inner world and the external realities, and in doing so, crafting a life that resonates with authenticity, purpose, and joy. Let us embrace this journey with an open heart and a curious mind, for it is in this exploration that we find our true selves and the true essence of life.

This new year, I hope you wake up…..