Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

December 22, 2023

Thought 20: Embracing the Full Spectrum of Holiday Emotions: A Journey of Love, Loss, and Enlightenment

The holiday season, a mosaic of emotions and memories, unfolds differently in the hearts of each individual. For many, it's a time of warmth, a celebration of love and togetherness. For others, it stands as a poignant reminder of what's missing – a love lost or perhaps a love that never was. It's a period that can simultaneously cradle us in joy and confront us with the depths of our own vulnerabilities.

Reflecting on this duality, I'm reminded of a profound truth from the "Tao of Fully Feeling": "The only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid unavoidable pain... Time does not heal wounds without acknowledgement of what has happened." In these words lies the essence of life's most challenging lessons. To live is to experience, to feel – both the highs and the lows. Today, for me, is one of those days marked by a sense of loss, a reminder of the transient nature of all things.

Life, in its purest form, is akin to a cinematic masterpiece, filled with scenes that make our hearts soar and others that shatter them into a million pieces. Today, I embrace my losses, not with attachment, but with a deep involvement that life demands. Enlightenment doesn't immunize us against pain. Before my journey towards enlightenment, I experienced depression. Now, as an enlightened soul, the shadow of depression still lurks. But herein lies a profound realization: the beliefs and experiences that bring us joy also have the power to introduce us to its antithesis – the pain of loss, the sting of hurt.

Yet, I do not suffer. I am bathed in gratitude for the myriad of opportunities that have graced my life over the past 31 years. I don't languish in despair over moments taken for granted; instead, I see them as valuable lessons. The memories of those no longer with us are cherished, a testament to being fully present in the time we had together.

My own experiences have forged a path of deeper understanding and empathy for others in their moments of pain and suffering. To them, I offer the wise words from a sermon of A.W. Tozer: "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” To feel the depth of your current emotions is to acknowledge that you've loved deeply and completely. What greater experience is there in life than to have loved with all your heart?

In the spirit of healing and forgiveness, I reflect upon another passage from the "Tao of Fully Feeling": “I pray that I may be graced with the cleansing waters of forgiveness... Let me learn to forgive others by becoming more forgiving of myself.” (Walker) Forgiveness, a journey of the soul, begins within and radiates outward. It’s a path that teaches us to differentiate between those we need to forgive and stay close to, those we need to forgive and keep a distance from, and those whom forgiveness isn't necessary.

Tonight, I choose to immerse myself fully in the spectrum of emotions that life offers. I embrace the life I have been blessed with, filled with gratitude for the time shared and the love given and received. Until the end of my days, I will continue to love unconditionally. I am thankful for the fragments of my soul that I've discovered and pieced together through these experiences.

As the holiday season unfolds, let us remember that it's not just a time for celebration but also a period for reflection, healing, and growth. It's an opportunity to delve deep into our hearts, to confront our emotions, and to emerge stronger and more connected to ourselves and others. Let’s cherish each moment, whether it fills us with joy or brings us to tears, for each experience is a step on the path to wisdom and enlightenment.

In closing, remember that life, in all its complexity, is a beautiful journey. The holidays are but a microcosm of this journey, encapsulating love, loss, joy, and pain. Embrace it all, for in doing so, you embrace the fullness of being.

I hope you wake up…

February 17, 2023

Thought 20: Embracing the Full Spectrum of Holiday Emotions: A Journey of Love, Loss, and Enlightenment

The holiday season, a mosaic of emotions and memories, unfolds differently in the hearts of each individual. For many, it's a time of warmth, a celebration of love and togetherness. For others, it stands as a poignant reminder of what's missing – a love lost or perhaps a love that never was. It's a period that can simultaneously cradle us in joy and confront us with the depths of our own vulnerabilities.

Reflecting on this duality, I'm reminded of a profound truth from the "Tao of Fully Feeling": "The only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid unavoidable pain... Time does not heal wounds without acknowledgement of what has happened." In these words lies the essence of life's most challenging lessons. To live is to experience, to feel – both the highs and the lows. Today, for me, is one of those days marked by a sense of loss, a reminder of the transient nature of all things.

Life, in its purest form, is akin to a cinematic masterpiece, filled with scenes that make our hearts soar and others that shatter them into a million pieces. Today, I embrace my losses, not with attachment, but with a deep involvement that life demands. Enlightenment doesn't immunize us against pain. Before my journey towards enlightenment, I experienced depression. Now, as an enlightened soul, the shadow of depression still lurks. But herein lies a profound realization: the beliefs and experiences that bring us joy also have the power to introduce us to its antithesis – the pain of loss, the sting of hurt.

Yet, I do not suffer. I am bathed in gratitude for the myriad of opportunities that have graced my life over the past 31 years. I don't languish in despair over moments taken for granted; instead, I see them as valuable lessons. The memories of those no longer with us are cherished, a testament to being fully present in the time we had together.

My own experiences have forged a path of deeper understanding and empathy for others in their moments of pain and suffering. To them, I offer the wise words from a sermon of A.W. Tozer: "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” To feel the depth of your current emotions is to acknowledge that you've loved deeply and completely. What greater experience is there in life than to have loved with all your heart?

In the spirit of healing and forgiveness, I reflect upon another passage from the "Tao of Fully Feeling": “I pray that I may be graced with the cleansing waters of forgiveness... Let me learn to forgive others by becoming more forgiving of myself.” (Walker) Forgiveness, a journey of the soul, begins within and radiates outward. It’s a path that teaches us to differentiate between those we need to forgive and stay close to, those we need to forgive and keep a distance from, and those whom forgiveness isn't necessary.

Tonight, I choose to immerse myself fully in the spectrum of emotions that life offers. I embrace the life I have been blessed with, filled with gratitude for the time shared and the love given and received. Until the end of my days, I will continue to love unconditionally. I am thankful for the fragments of my soul that I've discovered and pieced together through these experiences.

As the holiday season unfolds, let us remember that it's not just a time for celebration but also a period for reflection, healing, and growth. It's an opportunity to delve deep into our hearts, to confront our emotions, and to emerge stronger and more connected to ourselves and others. Let’s cherish each moment, whether it fills us with joy or brings us to tears, for each experience is a step on the path to wisdom and enlightenment.

In closing, remember that life, in all its complexity, is a beautiful journey. The holidays are but a microcosm of this journey, encapsulating love, loss, joy, and pain. Embrace it all, for in doing so, you embrace the fullness of being.

I hope you wake up…

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

The holiday season, a mosaic of emotions and memories, unfolds differently in the hearts of each individual. For many, it's a time of warmth, a celebration of love and togetherness. For others, it stands as a poignant reminder of what's missing – a love lost or perhaps a love that never was. It's a period that can simultaneously cradle us in joy and confront us with the depths of our own vulnerabilities.

Reflecting on this duality, I'm reminded of a profound truth from the "Tao of Fully Feeling": "The only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid unavoidable pain... Time does not heal wounds without acknowledgement of what has happened." In these words lies the essence of life's most challenging lessons. To live is to experience, to feel – both the highs and the lows. Today, for me, is one of those days marked by a sense of loss, a reminder of the transient nature of all things.

Life, in its purest form, is akin to a cinematic masterpiece, filled with scenes that make our hearts soar and others that shatter them into a million pieces. Today, I embrace my losses, not with attachment, but with a deep involvement that life demands. Enlightenment doesn't immunize us against pain. Before my journey towards enlightenment, I experienced depression. Now, as an enlightened soul, the shadow of depression still lurks. But herein lies a profound realization: the beliefs and experiences that bring us joy also have the power to introduce us to its antithesis – the pain of loss, the sting of hurt.

Yet, I do not suffer. I am bathed in gratitude for the myriad of opportunities that have graced my life over the past 31 years. I don't languish in despair over moments taken for granted; instead, I see them as valuable lessons. The memories of those no longer with us are cherished, a testament to being fully present in the time we had together.

My own experiences have forged a path of deeper understanding and empathy for others in their moments of pain and suffering. To them, I offer the wise words from a sermon of A.W. Tozer: "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” To feel the depth of your current emotions is to acknowledge that you've loved deeply and completely. What greater experience is there in life than to have loved with all your heart?

In the spirit of healing and forgiveness, I reflect upon another passage from the "Tao of Fully Feeling": “I pray that I may be graced with the cleansing waters of forgiveness... Let me learn to forgive others by becoming more forgiving of myself.” (Walker) Forgiveness, a journey of the soul, begins within and radiates outward. It’s a path that teaches us to differentiate between those we need to forgive and stay close to, those we need to forgive and keep a distance from, and those whom forgiveness isn't necessary.

Tonight, I choose to immerse myself fully in the spectrum of emotions that life offers. I embrace the life I have been blessed with, filled with gratitude for the time shared and the love given and received. Until the end of my days, I will continue to love unconditionally. I am thankful for the fragments of my soul that I've discovered and pieced together through these experiences.

As the holiday season unfolds, let us remember that it's not just a time for celebration but also a period for reflection, healing, and growth. It's an opportunity to delve deep into our hearts, to confront our emotions, and to emerge stronger and more connected to ourselves and others. Let’s cherish each moment, whether it fills us with joy or brings us to tears, for each experience is a step on the path to wisdom and enlightenment.

In closing, remember that life, in all its complexity, is a beautiful journey. The holidays are but a microcosm of this journey, encapsulating love, loss, joy, and pain. Embrace it all, for in doing so, you embrace the fullness of being.

I hope you wake up…