Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

December 22, 2023

Thought 19: Losing god To Find God

In the quiet moments of introspection, where the mind's chatter subsides and the heart begins to speak, I came across a thought that lingered in the depths of my consciousness: "Maybe your belief about god is what keeps you from God." This simple yet profound idea struck a chord within me, challenging my long-held perceptions of the divine.

Growing up in the church's embrace, I was surrounded by teachings and doctrines that painted a picture of God – a canvas of expectations, rules, and interpretations. Despite my earnest efforts to connect, a nagging feeling of disconnect persisted. Like an actor on a stage, I played my part, concealing my doubts and fears, ever so afraid of being unmasked for feeling differently.

Why, I wondered, did I feel so distant from what others seemed to embrace so effortlessly? Was my inability to feel what they felt a reflection of my own spiritual inadequacy? These questions haunted me, casting a shadow on my spiritual journey.

Then, one day, a statement echoed in my mind, altering my perspective: "If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, what does God lack?" The answer was simple yet revolutionary: "Limits." This concept of an omnipotent God, boundless and infinite, led me to question the paradox of our human tendency to ascribe limitations to the divine. Do we, in our limited understanding, inadvertently assume the power to disrupt God's grand plan?

I do not claim to have all the answers, but this revelation shed light on the limitations of language in comprehending the divine. Language, by its very nature, categorizes and defines, setting boundaries on what is and isn't. Yet, how can we define the indefinable? If God exists, God simply 'is' – beyond the confines of human language and understanding.

For years, my concept of God was shrouded in attributes of vengeance, anger, and disappointment. It never occurred to me to question why an omnipotent being would experience such human emotions. Isn't everything, including our perceived flaws and mistakes, part of a larger, incomprehensible divine plan? In dissecting the whole into manageable pieces, we lose sight of the grandeur and interconnectedness of existence.

The realization that the perceived separation between us and God is an illusion brings a profound sense of peace. How can we, mere fragments of the universe, be separate from the whole? The omnipotence of the divine stretches to every corner of existence, even to the places our minds cannot fathom. Our inability to fully understand does not diminish the vastness of the divine narrative.

Language, in its attempt to describe the indescribable, falls short. It is said that the language of God is silence, and everything else is a mistranslation. This enigmatic statement invites us to explore the divine not through words, but through the stillness and quietude of our being. What then, does this mean for the 'Word of God'? How do we reconcile the profoundness of silence with the teachings and scriptures that have guided us for centuries?

In this exploration, I have come to understand that the divine cannot be confined to pages, sermons, or doctrines. It is an experience, a feeling, a knowing that transcends the limitations of human expression. It is in the moments of deep meditation, in the acts of unconditional love, and in the beauty of the natural world that we catch glimpses of the divine.

As I reflect on this journey, I am reminded of the words of the mystic poet Rumi: "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." (Rumi) In the stillness of our hearts and minds, we open ourselves to the possibility of experiencing the divine in its purest form – unfiltered, unbounded, and utterly ineffable.

My hope for you is that you awaken to the divine presence that permeates every aspect of your life. May you find the courage to let go of limiting beliefs and open your heart to the limitless love and wisdom of the universe. In doing so, you will discover that you are not separate from the divine; you are a beautiful, integral part of it.

Remember, the journey to understanding the divine is not about seeking answers outside of yourself; it is about turning inward and discovering the truth that has always resided within you. It is a journey of unlearning, of shedding layers of conditioned beliefs, and of embracing the mystery and majesty of existence.

As you embark on this path, be gentle with yourself. Allow your understanding to evolve, your heart to expand, and your spirit to soar. In the words of Lao Tzu, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Take that step with an open heart, and let the journey transform you.

February 17, 2023

Thought 19: Losing god To Find God

In the quiet moments of introspection, where the mind's chatter subsides and the heart begins to speak, I came across a thought that lingered in the depths of my consciousness: "Maybe your belief about god is what keeps you from God." This simple yet profound idea struck a chord within me, challenging my long-held perceptions of the divine.

Growing up in the church's embrace, I was surrounded by teachings and doctrines that painted a picture of God – a canvas of expectations, rules, and interpretations. Despite my earnest efforts to connect, a nagging feeling of disconnect persisted. Like an actor on a stage, I played my part, concealing my doubts and fears, ever so afraid of being unmasked for feeling differently.

Why, I wondered, did I feel so distant from what others seemed to embrace so effortlessly? Was my inability to feel what they felt a reflection of my own spiritual inadequacy? These questions haunted me, casting a shadow on my spiritual journey.

Then, one day, a statement echoed in my mind, altering my perspective: "If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, what does God lack?" The answer was simple yet revolutionary: "Limits." This concept of an omnipotent God, boundless and infinite, led me to question the paradox of our human tendency to ascribe limitations to the divine. Do we, in our limited understanding, inadvertently assume the power to disrupt God's grand plan?

I do not claim to have all the answers, but this revelation shed light on the limitations of language in comprehending the divine. Language, by its very nature, categorizes and defines, setting boundaries on what is and isn't. Yet, how can we define the indefinable? If God exists, God simply 'is' – beyond the confines of human language and understanding.

For years, my concept of God was shrouded in attributes of vengeance, anger, and disappointment. It never occurred to me to question why an omnipotent being would experience such human emotions. Isn't everything, including our perceived flaws and mistakes, part of a larger, incomprehensible divine plan? In dissecting the whole into manageable pieces, we lose sight of the grandeur and interconnectedness of existence.

The realization that the perceived separation between us and God is an illusion brings a profound sense of peace. How can we, mere fragments of the universe, be separate from the whole? The omnipotence of the divine stretches to every corner of existence, even to the places our minds cannot fathom. Our inability to fully understand does not diminish the vastness of the divine narrative.

Language, in its attempt to describe the indescribable, falls short. It is said that the language of God is silence, and everything else is a mistranslation. This enigmatic statement invites us to explore the divine not through words, but through the stillness and quietude of our being. What then, does this mean for the 'Word of God'? How do we reconcile the profoundness of silence with the teachings and scriptures that have guided us for centuries?

In this exploration, I have come to understand that the divine cannot be confined to pages, sermons, or doctrines. It is an experience, a feeling, a knowing that transcends the limitations of human expression. It is in the moments of deep meditation, in the acts of unconditional love, and in the beauty of the natural world that we catch glimpses of the divine.

As I reflect on this journey, I am reminded of the words of the mystic poet Rumi: "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." (Rumi) In the stillness of our hearts and minds, we open ourselves to the possibility of experiencing the divine in its purest form – unfiltered, unbounded, and utterly ineffable.

My hope for you is that you awaken to the divine presence that permeates every aspect of your life. May you find the courage to let go of limiting beliefs and open your heart to the limitless love and wisdom of the universe. In doing so, you will discover that you are not separate from the divine; you are a beautiful, integral part of it.

Remember, the journey to understanding the divine is not about seeking answers outside of yourself; it is about turning inward and discovering the truth that has always resided within you. It is a journey of unlearning, of shedding layers of conditioned beliefs, and of embracing the mystery and majesty of existence.

As you embark on this path, be gentle with yourself. Allow your understanding to evolve, your heart to expand, and your spirit to soar. In the words of Lao Tzu, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Take that step with an open heart, and let the journey transform you.

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

In the quiet moments of introspection, where the mind's chatter subsides and the heart begins to speak, I came across a thought that lingered in the depths of my consciousness: "Maybe your belief about god is what keeps you from God." This simple yet profound idea struck a chord within me, challenging my long-held perceptions of the divine.

Growing up in the church's embrace, I was surrounded by teachings and doctrines that painted a picture of God – a canvas of expectations, rules, and interpretations. Despite my earnest efforts to connect, a nagging feeling of disconnect persisted. Like an actor on a stage, I played my part, concealing my doubts and fears, ever so afraid of being unmasked for feeling differently.

Why, I wondered, did I feel so distant from what others seemed to embrace so effortlessly? Was my inability to feel what they felt a reflection of my own spiritual inadequacy? These questions haunted me, casting a shadow on my spiritual journey.

Then, one day, a statement echoed in my mind, altering my perspective: "If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, what does God lack?" The answer was simple yet revolutionary: "Limits." This concept of an omnipotent God, boundless and infinite, led me to question the paradox of our human tendency to ascribe limitations to the divine. Do we, in our limited understanding, inadvertently assume the power to disrupt God's grand plan?

I do not claim to have all the answers, but this revelation shed light on the limitations of language in comprehending the divine. Language, by its very nature, categorizes and defines, setting boundaries on what is and isn't. Yet, how can we define the indefinable? If God exists, God simply 'is' – beyond the confines of human language and understanding.

For years, my concept of God was shrouded in attributes of vengeance, anger, and disappointment. It never occurred to me to question why an omnipotent being would experience such human emotions. Isn't everything, including our perceived flaws and mistakes, part of a larger, incomprehensible divine plan? In dissecting the whole into manageable pieces, we lose sight of the grandeur and interconnectedness of existence.

The realization that the perceived separation between us and God is an illusion brings a profound sense of peace. How can we, mere fragments of the universe, be separate from the whole? The omnipotence of the divine stretches to every corner of existence, even to the places our minds cannot fathom. Our inability to fully understand does not diminish the vastness of the divine narrative.

Language, in its attempt to describe the indescribable, falls short. It is said that the language of God is silence, and everything else is a mistranslation. This enigmatic statement invites us to explore the divine not through words, but through the stillness and quietude of our being. What then, does this mean for the 'Word of God'? How do we reconcile the profoundness of silence with the teachings and scriptures that have guided us for centuries?

In this exploration, I have come to understand that the divine cannot be confined to pages, sermons, or doctrines. It is an experience, a feeling, a knowing that transcends the limitations of human expression. It is in the moments of deep meditation, in the acts of unconditional love, and in the beauty of the natural world that we catch glimpses of the divine.

As I reflect on this journey, I am reminded of the words of the mystic poet Rumi: "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." (Rumi) In the stillness of our hearts and minds, we open ourselves to the possibility of experiencing the divine in its purest form – unfiltered, unbounded, and utterly ineffable.

My hope for you is that you awaken to the divine presence that permeates every aspect of your life. May you find the courage to let go of limiting beliefs and open your heart to the limitless love and wisdom of the universe. In doing so, you will discover that you are not separate from the divine; you are a beautiful, integral part of it.

Remember, the journey to understanding the divine is not about seeking answers outside of yourself; it is about turning inward and discovering the truth that has always resided within you. It is a journey of unlearning, of shedding layers of conditioned beliefs, and of embracing the mystery and majesty of existence.

As you embark on this path, be gentle with yourself. Allow your understanding to evolve, your heart to expand, and your spirit to soar. In the words of Lao Tzu, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Take that step with an open heart, and let the journey transform you.