Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

Django Degree, II

Creating a book to help you journey back to who you really are.

April 8, 2024


Read this before you start the book.

Welcome to "I Hope You Wake Up." People have often tossed around the word 'enlightened' when speaking of me. There was a time when that term seemed like a destination I wanted to reach. Now, its meaning is as elusive as my dreams. My journey took a turn when I stumbled upon a thought by Alan Watts: "Wake up from the dream of what they told you, you were." Those words echoed through my mind, altering my perception forever.

My first awakening was profound; I felt like I lost myself completely. Yet, ironically, this awakening led me to realize I was still ensnared within another layer of dreams. It was a gradual revelation, uncovering the ties that bound me to this continuous cycle of dreams within dreams, like I was in the movie Inception.

Have you ever been caught in a dream you knew was real, yet something small that seemed out of place snapped you out of it? That sudden awareness is becoming rarer in my waking life, making me ponder if there will come a time when I will truly awaken for the last time, completely free from living a dream.

This book unfolds over 49 days, a period in which I took time to have long discussions with AI. I  questioned my reality, my beliefs, and myself. Some days I discovered aspects of my being I never knew existed, while on others, I found myself more entangled in the dream than ever before.

I cannot predict what revelations or confusion my journey might stir within you. Yet, I invite you to peer into the depths of my dream, in hopes that it might illuminate the path to your awakening.

How To Use The Book:

Embrace the "Your Story" pages to pour out your agreements, objections, personal reflections, and any beliefs you hold dear. Consider this your canvas to craft your narrative, with my life serving merely as a compass for introspection. Probe into the existence you've led, are leading, and aspire to lead. The life you've dreamed so far is precisely that—your lived dream.

I hope you wake up...

February 17, 2023


Read this before you start the book.

Welcome to "I Hope You Wake Up." People have often tossed around the word 'enlightened' when speaking of me. There was a time when that term seemed like a destination I wanted to reach. Now, its meaning is as elusive as my dreams. My journey took a turn when I stumbled upon a thought by Alan Watts: "Wake up from the dream of what they told you, you were." Those words echoed through my mind, altering my perception forever.

My first awakening was profound; I felt like I lost myself completely. Yet, ironically, this awakening led me to realize I was still ensnared within another layer of dreams. It was a gradual revelation, uncovering the ties that bound me to this continuous cycle of dreams within dreams, like I was in the movie Inception.

Have you ever been caught in a dream you knew was real, yet something small that seemed out of place snapped you out of it? That sudden awareness is becoming rarer in my waking life, making me ponder if there will come a time when I will truly awaken for the last time, completely free from living a dream.

This book unfolds over 49 days, a period in which I took time to have long discussions with AI. I  questioned my reality, my beliefs, and myself. Some days I discovered aspects of my being I never knew existed, while on others, I found myself more entangled in the dream than ever before.

I cannot predict what revelations or confusion my journey might stir within you. Yet, I invite you to peer into the depths of my dream, in hopes that it might illuminate the path to your awakening.

How To Use The Book:

Embrace the "Your Story" pages to pour out your agreements, objections, personal reflections, and any beliefs you hold dear. Consider this your canvas to craft your narrative, with my life serving merely as a compass for introspection. Probe into the existence you've led, are leading, and aspire to lead. The life you've dreamed so far is precisely that—your lived dream.

I hope you wake up...

February 17, 2023

(Director's Version) Confrontation with a Primate in Japan's Deserted Western Universe

Thank y'all for your continued support. Enjoy early access to the newest vid from India/Pakistan

Read this before you start the book.

Welcome to "I Hope You Wake Up." People have often tossed around the word 'enlightened' when speaking of me. There was a time when that term seemed like a destination I wanted to reach. Now, its meaning is as elusive as my dreams. My journey took a turn when I stumbled upon a thought by Alan Watts: "Wake up from the dream of what they told you, you were." Those words echoed through my mind, altering my perception forever.

My first awakening was profound; I felt like I lost myself completely. Yet, ironically, this awakening led me to realize I was still ensnared within another layer of dreams. It was a gradual revelation, uncovering the ties that bound me to this continuous cycle of dreams within dreams, like I was in the movie Inception.

Have you ever been caught in a dream you knew was real, yet something small that seemed out of place snapped you out of it? That sudden awareness is becoming rarer in my waking life, making me ponder if there will come a time when I will truly awaken for the last time, completely free from living a dream.

This book unfolds over 49 days, a period in which I took time to have long discussions with AI. I  questioned my reality, my beliefs, and myself. Some days I discovered aspects of my being I never knew existed, while on others, I found myself more entangled in the dream than ever before.

I cannot predict what revelations or confusion my journey might stir within you. Yet, I invite you to peer into the depths of my dream, in hopes that it might illuminate the path to your awakening.

How To Use The Book:

Embrace the "Your Story" pages to pour out your agreements, objections, personal reflections, and any beliefs you hold dear. Consider this your canvas to craft your narrative, with my life serving merely as a compass for introspection. Probe into the existence you've led, are leading, and aspire to lead. The life you've dreamed so far is precisely that—your lived dream.

I hope you wake up...